The way you book a dog groomer hasn’t changed much since I was 9. That was over twenty years ago.
The customer journey of finding, booking a reviewing a pet groomer is no longer suited to our modern way of using services.
Combine that with the frustrating “let me try and make this fit” other pet salon software out there… and there is was huge opportunity for us to build a software suited to both these needs.
Tuft was born. And we’re climbing out of the puppy pen, tail wagging, trying not to pee on the carpet from excitement.
– Chloe Smith, Founder
The team behind Tuft
Chloe Smith, CEO/ Co-founder
Second time founder
10+ years brand manager
Always curious
Daniel Barnes, COO/ Co-founder
Second time founder
10+ years UI & dev
Detail enforcer
Hermine Abdon, CSO/ Co-founder
INSEAD Educated,
McKinsey moulded
Start up soul
Ivan Brewis, CTO/ Co-founder
Lifetime builder of tech
20+ years developer
Early adopter