Tuft Cat Breeds List

Last updated: January 31, 2025

Welcome to the Tuft cat breeds list! The cat species are extremely diverse, each breed has its own unique characteristics, temperament, and history. We’ve made sure to include as many breeds as possible so you can get the very best from the software, we have you covered. If we’re missing a breed you need, let us know and we’ll add it in for you.

1(Cat ) Ragdoll (L)Llong
2(Cat) AbyssinianMSmooth/Short
3(Cat) American bobtail (L)LSmooth/Short
4(Cat) American bobtail (L)Llong
5(Cat) American bobtail (M)MSmooth/Short
6(Cat) American bobtail (M)Mlong
7(Cat) American shorthairMSmooth/Short
8(Cat) Australian mistMSmooth/Short
9(Cat) BalineseMlong
10(Cat) Bengal (L)LSmooth/Short
11(Cat) Bengal (Large)LSmooth/Short
12(Cat) Bengal (M)MSmooth/Short
13(Cat) Bengal (Medium)MSmooth/Short
14(Cat) Birman (L)Llong
15(Cat) Birman (M)Mlong
16(Cat) BombayMSmooth/Short
17(Cat) British shorthair (L)LSmooth/Short
18(Cat) British shorthair (M)MSmooth/Short
19(Cat) BurmeseMSmooth/Short
20(Cat) Burmilla (L)Llong
21(Cat) Burmilla (M)MSmooth/Short
22(Cat) ChartreuxLSmooth/Short
23(Cat) ChausieLSmooth/Short
24(Cat) Cornish rex (L)LSmooth/Short
25(Cat) Cornish rex (M)MSmooth/Short
26(Cat) Cymric (L)LSmooth/Short
27(Cat) Cymric (M)MSmooth/Short
28(Cat) Devon rexMSmooth/Short
29(Cat) Domestic shorthair (L)LSmooth/Short
30(Cat) Domestic shorthair (M)MSmooth/Short
31(Cat) Domestic shorthair (S)SSmooth/Short
32(Cat) Egyptian mauMSmooth/Short
33(Cat) Exotic shorthairMSmooth/Short
34(Cat) Havana brownMSmooth/Short
35(Cat) HimalayanMlong
36(Cat) Japanese bobtail (M)MSmooth/Short
37(Cat) Japanese bobtail (M)Mlong
38(Cat) Khao ManeeMSmooth/Short
39(Cat) KoratMSmooth/Short
40(Cat) Kurilian bobtail (L)LSmooth/Short
41(Cat) Kurilian bobtail (L)Llong
42(Cat) Kurilian bobtail (M)MSmooth/Short
43(Cat) Kurilian bobtail (M)Mlong
44(Cat) La Perm (L)Mlong
45(Cat) La Perm (M)MSmooth/Short
46(Cat) LykoiMSmooth/Short
47(Cat) Maine CoonLLong
48(Cat) Maine coonLlong
49(Cat) ManxMSmooth/Short
50(Cat) Minuet (S)SSmooth/Short
51(Cat) Minuet (S)Slong
52(Cat) Munchkin (M)Mlong
53(Cat) Munchkin (S)Slong
54(Cat) NebelungMlong
55(Cat) Norwegian ForestLLong
56(Cat) Norwegian ForestLlong
57(Cat) Ocicat (L)LSmooth/Short
58(Cat) Ocicat (M)MSmooth/Short
59(Cat) PersianMLong
60(Cat) PersianMlong
61(Cat) Persian Chinchilla (Large)LLong
62(Cat) Persian Chinchilla (Medium)MLong
63(Cat) Pixie-bobLSmooth/Short
64(Cat) RagamuffinLLong
65(Cat) Ragamuffin (L)Llong
66(Cat) Ragamuffin (M)Mlong
67(Cat) RagdollLLong
68(Cat) Ragdoll (M)Mlong
69(Cat) Russian blueMSmooth/Short
70(Cat) Scottish FoldMSmooth/Short
71(Cat) Selkirk rex (L)LSmooth/Short
72(Cat) Selkirk rex (L)Llong
73(Cat) Selkirk rex (M)MSmooth/Short
74(Cat) Selkirk rex (M)Mlong
75(Cat) SiameseMSmooth/Short
76(Cat) Siberian (L)Llong
77(Cat) Siberian (M)Mlong
78(Cat) Singapura (M)MSmooth/Short
79(Cat) Singapura (S)SSmooth/Short
80(Cat) SnowshoeMSmooth/Short
81(Cat) Somali (L)Llong
82(Cat) Somali (M)Mlong
83(Cat) SphynxMSmooth/Short
84(Cat) TonkineseMSmooth/Short
85(Cat) Turkish angoraMlong
86(Cat) Turkish vanLlong